IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Internet Packet Exchange (IPX)

This chapter describes Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.



Short Syntax: IPX.002 q ovf source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.002 Queue overflow, source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: IPX forwarder input queue has overflowed.

Cause: More packets are being received than the forwarder can forward.



Short Syntax: IPX.003 bad hst chksm frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.003 Bad host checksum from source_net/ source_node

Description: This message is generated when a packet arrives for this host with an incorrect checksum.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.004 err pkt error_type frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.004 Error packet, errno error_type, received from source_net/ source_node

Description: This message is generated when an error packet is received.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.005 no hndlr for skt destination_socket typ packet_type frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.005 No handler for socket destination_socket type packet_type from source_net/ source_node

Description: A packet arrived for an unknown or unsupported socket or type. The packet was a broadcast packet.



Short Syntax: IPX.006 no hndlr for skt destination_socket typ packet_type frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.006 No handler for socket destination_socket type packet_type from source_net/ source_node

Description: A packet arrived for an unknown or unsupported socket or type. The packet was addressed to the router.



Short Syntax: IPX.007 no hst addr set for cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, not enabled

Long Syntax: IPX.007 no host address set for circ IPX_circuit net network ID, not enabled

Description: The forwarder was bringing up the specified IPX circuit, but no host address was set so the IPX circuit was not enabled.

Cause: IPX circuit enabled on a serial line with no host address.

Action: Set IPX host address.



Short Syntax: IPX.008 SAP bad typ packet_type frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.008 SAP bad type packet_type from source_net/ source_node

Description: This message is generated when a packet is received with a bad SAP type.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.009 SAP gen rply frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.009 SAP general reply from source_net/ source_node

Description: SAP has received a General Reply packet from the specified host. The data in the packet will be used to update the SAP database.



Short Syntax: IPX.010 SAP tbl ovrfl, dsc type service_type nm [ service_name]

Long Syntax: IPX.010 SAP table overflow, discarded type service_type name [ service_name]

Description: A new entry cannot be added to the SAP table because it is full. The new entry is discarded.

Cause: SAP table is smaller than number of services on IPX internet.

Action: Increase the size of the SAP table.



Short Syntax: IPX.011 SAP srvc typ service_type nm [ service_name] mvd to new_net/ new_node

Long Syntax: IPX.011 SAP service type service_type name [ service_name] moved to new_net/ new_node

Description: A SAP General Reply was received with a different network/address pair than is presently in the SAP database.

Cause: Duplicate name assigned for service.

Action: Eliminate duplicated name.

Cause: Service physically moved faster than SAP timeout.

Action: Do not move services so fast.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.012 SAP del typ service_type nm [ service_name]

Long Syntax: IPX.012 SAP deleted type service_type name [ service_name]

Description: A SAP table entry has been declared dead. It will be advertised as unreachable for another 60 seconds, and then removed from the SAP table.

Cause: No SAP General Reply has been heard containing data on this service type/name pair in 240 seconds.

Action: None, unless service should be up.



Short Syntax: IPX.013 SAP bd nearest qry frm source_net/ source_node ln length

Long Syntax: IPX.013 SAP bad length Nearest Service Query from source_net/ source_node, len length

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Query was received with an illegal length.

Cause: Programming error in remote node.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.014 SAP nearest qry frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.014 SAP nearest query from source_net/ source_node

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Query was received from the specified node. It will be answered as appropriate.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.015 SAP gen qry frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.015 SAP general query from source_net/ source_node

Description: A SAP General Service Query was received from the specified node. It will be answered as appropriate.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.016 SAP qry sent, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.016 SAP General Service Query sent, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP General Service Query was sent on the specified IPX circuit. One is sent on an IPX circuit when it comes up.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: IPX.017 No mem fr SAP bcst, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, count pkts snt

Long Syntax: IPX.017 No memory for SAP General Service Query or Reply, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, count packets sent

Description: This message is generated when no buffer is available to send a SAP General Service Query or Reply packet. Since a General Service Reply can require multiple packets, the message notes how many packets were sent before they ran out.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.018 SAP gen rply sent, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, count pkts

Long Syntax: IPX.018 SAP General Service Reply sent, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, count packets

Description: A SAP General Service Reply has just been sent on the specified IPX circuit. It took the specified number of packets to send the complete SAP database.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.019 NB brd source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, hop_count hops

Long Syntax: IPX.019 NETBIOS broadcast source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, hop_count hops

Description: A NETBIOS emulation multi-network broadcast packet has been received for forwarding to other IPX circuits. The IPX hop count indicates how many routers it has been through.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.020 NB too many hops frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, ign

Long Syntax: IPX.020 NETBIOS too many hops from source_net/ source_node circ IPX_circuit net network ID, ignored

Description: A NETBIOS emulation broadcast packet has been through more than 8 routers. It will be dropped.

Cause: Normal looping due to multiple paths from source of broadcast packet.

Action: None. This is a normal consequence of the protocol used.

Cause: IPX NETBIOS traffic trying to go across more than 8 hops (networks) between source and destination.

Action: Reconfigure network.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.021 NB frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, already on connected_network, ign

Long Syntax: IPX.021 NETBIOS from source_net/ source_node circ IPX_circuit net network ID, already on connected_network, ignored

Description: This IPX NETBIOS emulation broadcast packet has already been on one of the directly attached IPX circuits. It will not be forwarded, as that would generate a duplicate.

Cause: Normal side-effect of the protocol used.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: IPX.022 NB frm source_net/ source_node, no mem to cpy

Long Syntax: IPX.022 NETBIOS from source_net/ source_node, no memory to copy

Description: No memory available to make working copy of this NETBIOS emulation packet to send it out multiple IPX circuits.



Short Syntax: IPX.023 NB frm source_net/ source_node, non-brd cir IPX_circuit nt network ID unsupp

Long Syntax: IPX.023 NETBIOS from source_net/ source_node, non-broadcast circ IPX_circuit net network ID unsupported

Description: Attempting to send NETBIOS emulation packet on an IPX circuit that does not support broadcast. The packet will not be sent on that network.



Short Syntax: IPX.024 NB frm source_net/ source_node, un-numbrd cir IPX_circuit nt network ID unsupp

Long Syntax: IPX.024 NETBIOS from source_net/ source_node, un-numbered circ IPX_circuit net network ID unsupported

Description: Attempting to send NETBIOS emulation packet on an IPX circuit with no network number. The packet will not be sent on that IPX circuit.

Cause: Serial line network operating without a network number.

Action: If you want to run NETBIOS emulation across a serial line network, it must have a network number.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: IPX.025 NB frm source_net/ source_node, no buf to cpy

Long Syntax: IPX.025 NETBIOS from source_net/ source_node, no buffer to copy

Description: No packet buffer available to copy this NETBIOS emulation broadcast packet into in order to send it on an IPX circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.026 NB snd dsc, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, rsn reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.026 NETBIOS send discarded, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, reason reason_code

Description: An outgoing NETBIOS emulation broadcast packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network ID.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.



Short Syntax: IPX.027 bad RIP typ RIP_opcode frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.027 Bad RIP type RIP_opcode from source_net/ source_node

Description: RIP packet received which was not a request or response.

Cause: Programming error on remote node.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.028 RIP resp frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.028 RIP response from source_net/ source_node

Description: This message is generated when a RIP response packet is received. It will be parsed, and the data incorporated into the routing table.



Short Syntax: IPX.029 bad net network in RIP frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.029 Bad network network in RIP from source_net/ source_node

Description: A RIP response was received with an entry having a network number of 00000000 or FFFFFFFF. That entry will be ignored.

Cause: Programming error on remote node.



Short Syntax: IPX.030 net route table ovrfl, dscrd network

Long Syntax: IPX.030 Network routing table overflow, discarding network

Description: This message is generated when a new network cannot be added to the routing table because it is full. The entry is discarded.

Cause: Routing table too small.

Action: Reconfigure IPX protocol to make routing table larger.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.031 type route to network now via router_net/ router_node, hop_count hops

Long Syntax: IPX.031 type route to network network now via router_net/ router_node, hop_count hops

Description: This message is generated when the route to a network changes. The specified router_net/router_node is now the best route to this network, with the noted number of hops. The type of the new route is reported as well (RIP or STATIC).

Cause: Newly reachable network (if preceeded by message IPX.055).

Cause: Change in network topology causes best route to a network to change. This can happen when networks come up, or go down.

Action: Determine what changes in network topology occurred.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.032 RIP route to network aged away

Long Syntax: IPX.032 RIP route to network aged away

Description: This message is generated when a network is declared unreachable because no routing updates have been heard for it in 240 seconds. It will be advertised as unreachable for another 60 seconds, and then deleted from the routing table.

Cause: Intervening router that was advertising this network crashed.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.033 Rspnd to RIP rqst frm source_net/ source_node

Long Syntax: IPX.033 Responding to RIP Request from source_net/ source_node

Description: This message is generated when a RIP Request packet is being parsed for a Reply.



Short Syntax: IPX.034 RIP rqst frm source_net/ source_node shrt, ln packet_length

Long Syntax: IPX.034 RIP Request from source_net/ source_node too short, len packet_length

Description: A RIP request packet was received which is too short to contain one RIP entry. It will be discarded.

Cause: Programming error on remote node.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.035 RIP qry sent, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.035 RIP Query sent, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A RIP Query has been sent on the specified IPX circuit. A Query is sent on each IPX circuit when it comes up.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: IPX.036 No mem for RIP pkt, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, packet_count pkts snt

Long Syntax: IPX.036 No memory for RIP packet, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, packet_count packets sent

Description: This message is generated when no buffer is available to send a RIP Query or Response packet.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.037 RIP resp sent, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, packet_count pkts

Long Syntax: IPX.037 RIP Response sent circ IPX_circuit net network ID, packet_count packets

Description: This message is generated when a RIP Response is sent. The response was sent in the specified number of packets.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.038 source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node ign

Long Syntax: IPX.038 Packet from source_net/ source_node for dest_net/ dest_node ignored

Description: This message is generated when an IPX packet arrives on a network and the IPX forwarder is not active on that network.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.039 RIP delta resp sent, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, packet_count pkts

Long Syntax: IPX.039 RIP delta Response sent circ IPX_circuit net network ID, packet_count packets

Description: This message is generated when a RIP delta Response is sent. This response only includes those networks whose data changed in the last update period. The response was sent in the specified number of packets.



Short Syntax: IPX.040 RIP resp snd dsc, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, rsn reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.040 RIP Response send discarded, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, reason reason_code

Description: An outgoing RIP response packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network ID.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.



Short Syntax: IPX.041 RIP query snd dsc, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, rsn reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.041 RIP Query send discarded, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, reason reason_code

Description: An outgoing RIP query packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network ID.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.042 SAP GNS reply typ service_type nm [ service_name] to source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.042 SAP giving Nearest Server Reply of type service_type name [ service_name] to source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Reply will be sent to the specified node. The service_type is the type of service, and the service_name is the name of the service.

Cause: Node sent Nearest Server Request, and the nearest server of that type is reachable through this router.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.043 SAP nearest qry for typ service_type frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.043 SAP Nearest Query for service type service_type from source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Query was received from the specified node via the specified IPX circuit. If this router is the best route to the closest server of the specified service_type, this router will answer.

Cause: New IPX node booting on an attached LAN, looking for a first file server (service_type of 4).

Cause: Node attempting to locate a particular server by service type, such as a communications server or database server.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.044 SAP delta gen rply, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, count pkts

Long Syntax: IPX.044 SAP delta General Service Reply sent, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, count packets

Description: A SAP delta General Service Reply has just been sent on the specified IPX circuit. This Reply only includes those services whose data changed in the last update period. It took the specified number of packets to send the changes in SAP database.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.045 type new serv typ service_type nm [ service_name] via via_net/ via_node, hop_count hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.045 type new service route to service type service_type name [ service_name] via via_net/ via_node, hop_count hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a new service is added to the SAP table The specified via_net/via_node is the route to this service, with the noted number of hops.

Cause: New service started on IPX internetwork.

Cause: Existing service becomes reachable, due to change in network connectivity.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.046 SAP nearest qry frm source_net/ source_node ignored, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.046 SAP Nearest Query from source_net/ source_node ignored, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Query was received from the specified node via the specified IPX circuit, but processing of these packets has been administratively disabled on this network. The query will be ignored.

Cause: User has used IPX Config command DISABLE REPLY-TO-GET-NEAREST-SERVER.

Action: If this is the desired action, none. To enable response (the default), use the IPX Config command ENABLE REPLY-TO-GET-NEAREST-SERVER.



Short Syntax: IPX.047 SAP query snd dsc, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, rsn reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.047 SAP Query send discarded, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, reason reason_code

Description: An outgoing SAP query packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network ID.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.



Short Syntax: IPX.048 SAP resp snd dsc, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, rsn reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.048 SAP Response send discarded, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, reason reason_code

Description: An outgoing SAP response packet was not successfully transmitted for the reason indicated by the error code.

Cause: Miscellaneous handler error. (Reason code 1.)

Action: Check for error messages from handler for network ID.

Cause: Output queue overflow, or other flow control. (Reason code 2.)

Action: Alleviate congestion.

Cause: Network down. (Reason code 3.)

Action: See why handler thinks network is down.

Cause: Dropped by handler to avoid looping, or bad broadcast. (Reason code 4.)

Action: Check configuration.

Cause: Host down. (Reason code 5.)

Action: See why handler thinks host is down.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.049 SAP no serv typ service_type for source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.049 SAP no server of type service_type for Query from source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP Nearest Service Query was received from source_net/source_node, but the SAP database has no service registered of the desired service_type. No response will be sent.

Cause: Service of desired service_type is down or unreachable.

Action: Find out why service is down or unreachable.

Cause: Workstation looking for non-existent service_type.

Action: Correct query on workstation.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.050 SAP dead serv typ service_type nm [ service_name] from via_net/ via_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.050 SAP dead service route to service type service_type name [ service_name] reported by via_net/ via_node has become unreachable, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a previously reachable service becomes unreachable, and is marked as Dead in the SAP table. The specified via_net/via_node is the server or router that announced the service as being unreachable.

Cause: Server administratively disabled, as with :DOWN command.

Action: None.

Cause: Server crashed.

Action: Find out why server crashed.

Cause: Network on which service is provided has become unreachable.

Action: Use IPX console DUMP command to see if network is reachable.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.051 RIP route died to network from router_net/ router_node

Long Syntax: IPX.051 RIP route died to network network from router router_net/ router_node

Description: This message is generated when a previously reachable network becomes unreachable, and is marked as Dead in the RIP table. The specified router_net/router_node is the router that announced the network as being unreachable.

Cause: Remote network, or intervening network, went down.

Action: Find out why remote network went down.

Cause: Network is on router that went down.

Action: Find out why remote router went down.

Cause: Network is connected via File Server that was administratively taken down.



Short Syntax: IPX.052 RIP resp frm wrong net source_net/ source_node not local_net, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.052 RIP response from wrong network source_net/ source_node not local network local_net, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a RIP response packet is received with a source network number that is not the same as the network number of this IPX circuit. The packet will be ignored.

Cause: Misconfiguration of router on this network.

Action: Correct configuration.



Short Syntax: IPX.053 SAP resp frm wrong net source_net/ source_node not local_net, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.053 SAP response from wrong network source_net/ source_node not local network local_net, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when a SAP response packet is received with a source network number that is not the same as the network number of this IPX circuit. The packet will be ignored.

Cause: Misconfiguration of router on this network.

Action: Correct configuration.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.054 type serv typ service_type nm [ service_name] now via via_net/ via_node, hop_count hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.054 type service route to service type service_type name [ service_name] is now via via_net/ via_node, hop_count hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when the route to a service in the SAP table changes. The specified via_net/via_node is the new route to this service, with the noted number of hops. The type of the route (RIP or STATIC) is also reported.

Cause: Newly reachable service (if proceeded by IPX.045).

Cause: Change in network topology causes best route to a service to change. This can happen when new networks come up, or go down.

Action: Determine what changes in network topology occurred.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.055 new network net router_net via router_node/ hop_count, hops

Long Syntax: IPX.055 New network network number router_net via router_node/ hop_count, hops

Description: This message is generated when a new network is added to the RIP routing table. The new network was advertised by router_net/router_node, which is now the route to this network, with the noted number of hops.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.056 RIP route to network garbage coll

Long Syntax: IPX.056 RIP route to network garbage collected

Description: This message is generated when a network is removed from the RIP routing table because no routing updates have been heard for it in 300 seconds. This normally happens 60 seconds after an IPX.012 message on the same service.

Cause: Intervening router that was advertising this network went down.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.057 SAP del typ service_type nm [ service_name], cir IPX_circuit nt network ID down

Long Syntax: IPX.057 SAP deleted type service_type name [ service_name], circ IPX_circuit net network ID down

Description: The specified IPX circuit has gone down, and this SAP service having a first hop on that IPX circuit will be placed in the dead state. It will be advertised as unreachable for another 60 seconds, and then removed from the SAP table. However, if there are alternate routes to the same service, they will be learned about within 60 seconds.

Cause: The network via which we reached this service went down.

Action: Bring up network.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.058 SAP typ service_type nm [ service_name] garbage coll

Long Syntax: IPX.058 SAP type service_type name [ service_name] garbage collected

Description: This message is generated when a network is removed from the SAP routing table because no SAP responses have been heard for it in 300 seconds.

Cause: Intervening router that was advertising this service went down.



Short Syntax: IPX.059 SAP unreach serv typ service_type nm [ service_name] at service_net/ service_node from via_net/ via_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.059 SAP unreachable service type service_type name [ service_name] at service_net/ service_node from via_net/ via_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: This message is generated when an advertisement for a service is received, but that service in on an IPX network (service_net) that this router has no route to. This advertisement will be ignored.

Cause: Configuration error on node service_net/service_node.

Action: Correct configuration error.

Cause: Service information for some new service has propogated faster than the associated routing information.

Action: None needed if service_net becomes reachable shortly, and this message does not repeat.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.065 routing cache cleared

Long Syntax: IPX.065 routing cache cleared

Description: The IPX routing cache has been cleared, probably as the result of a routing table change.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.066 routing cache garbage collecting...

Long Syntax: IPX.066 routing cache garbage collecting...

Description: The IPX routing cache is collecting nonsense data. This takes several passes, and is only done when the cache starts overflowing.



Short Syntax: IPX.068 no memory left for IPX local network/node cache entries

Long Syntax: IPX.068 no memory left for IPX local network/node cache entries

Description: The IPX routing local network/node cache needs memory before it can add a new local network and its table into the IPX cache.



Short Syntax: IPX.070 rte ovrfl, dst destination_net

Long Syntax: IPX.070 route overflow, destination destination_net

Description: This message is generated when a new alternate entry cannot be made to routing table because alternate entry space for a given route is already full.

Cause: Maximum routes per destination network is too small.

Action: Increase maximum routing entries per destination network for this protocol.



Short Syntax: IPX.072 Error building IPXWAN iw_pkttype on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.072 Error building IPXWAN iw_pkttype on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN Response is built from a Request. An attempt has been made to build the response without a request.



Short Syntax: IPX.073 Name and Node ID must be config'd before IPXWAN can operate

Long Syntax: IPX.073 Router name and Node ID must be configured before IPXWAN can operate

Description: The IPX configuration parameters Name and Node ID must be configured before IPXWAN can operate on any IPX circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.076 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt dropped, rcv'd on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, unsupported int type

Long Syntax: IPX.076 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet dropeed because it was received on an unsupported interface type, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN packet was dropped because it was received on an unsupported interface type.



Short Syntax: IPX.077 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt dropped, rcv'd on disabled cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.077 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet dropped - it was received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID which is disabled for IPXWAN traffic

Description: An IPXWAN packet was dropped because it was received on an IPX circuit on which IPXWAN is disabled.



Short Syntax: IPX.078 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt rejected on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, confid id chck failed

Long Syntax: IPX.078 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID was rejected due to the confidence ID check failing

Description: An IPXWAN packet was rejected because the confidence ID check failed.



Short Syntax: IPX.079 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt rejected on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, non-unique node id

Long Syntax: IPX.079 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID was rejected because its node id is identical to the local node id

Description: An IPXWAN packet was rejected because the node id reported in it was identical to the local node id.

Action: Reconfigure the local IPX node ID with a unique value.



Short Syntax: IPX.080 No memory to build IPXWAN packet

Long Syntax: IPX.080 Not able to get a buffer to build an IPXWAN packet

Description: An attempt to get a buffer to build an IPXWAN packet failed.



Short Syntax: IPX.081 Failed to send an IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.081 An attempt to send an IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet on circ IPX_circuit net network ID failed

Description: An attempt to send an IPXWAN packet failed.



Short Syntax: IPX.082 IPXWAN iw_pkttype, pkt rejected on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, seq num mismatch

Long Syntax: IPX.082 IPXWAN iw_pkttype, packet received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID was rejected due to a sequence number mismatch

Description: An IPXWAN packet was dropped due to a sequence number mismatch.



Short Syntax: IPX.083 IPXWAN iw_pkttype rejected on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID - opt_type opt not accepted

Long Syntax: IPX.083 IPXWAN iw_pkttype rejected on circ IPX_circuit net network ID - opt_type option not accepted

Description: An IPXWAN packet was rejected because an option was not accepted by the other side of the link.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.084 IPXWAN connection to be retried on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.084 IPXWAN connection to be retried on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A previously timed-out IPXWAN connection is to be retried.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.085 IPXWAN connection on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID timed-out

Long Syntax: IPX.085 IPXWAN connection on circ IPX_circuit net network ID timed-out

Description: An IPXWAN connection attempt timed-out.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.086 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt rcvd on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.086 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN packet was successfully received, accepted, and processed.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.087 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt sent on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.087 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet sent on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN packet was successfully sent on the given IPX circuit.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.088 IPXWAN connection up on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.088 IPXWAN connection has come up on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN connection is up on the given IPX circuit.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.089 IPXWAN connection down on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.089 IPXWAN connection has gone down on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPXWAN connection has gone down the given IPX circuit. This can happen if the link goes down, if the protocol goes down on the link (IPXCP goes down) or if a Timer Request packet is received.


Level: U-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.090 SAP no server reply required for typ service_type for source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.090 SAP no server reply required for type service_type for Query from source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: The router received a SAP Nearest Service Query from source_net/source_node. The SAP database indicates that a server exists on the same network as the client. The server will be allowed to respond for itself.

Cause: There is an eligible server on the client's network that is capable of replying for itself.

Action: No action is required.



Short Syntax: IPX.091 short NB frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, ign

Long Syntax: IPX.091 short NETBIOS frame from source_net/ source_node circ IPX_circuit net network ID, ignored

Description: A NETBIOS type 20 packet must be at least 62 bytes in length. The forwarder drops the packet.

Cause: Unknown.

Action: None. Fix Novell application that is sending the packet.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.092 Add kpalv proxy source_net/ source_node. source_socket <-> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Long Syntax: IPX.092 Add KeepAlive proxy connection source_net/ source_node. source_socket <-> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Description: A new pair of stations have been added to the proxy keepalive table.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.093 Del kpalv proxy source_net/ source_node. source_socket <-> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Long Syntax: IPX.093 Delete KeepAlive proxy connection source_net/ source_node. source_socket <-> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Description: A pair of stations have been removed from the proxy keepalive table.



Short Syntax: IPX.094 no memory for IPX kpalv proxy tbl

Long Syntax: IPX.094 no memory for IPX KeepAlive Proxy connection table

Description: The IPX Keepalive Proxy initialization routine was unable to allocate memory for its connection table (IPX KeepAlive Proxy feature will not be enabled).


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.095 Serial pkt dropped source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, filt cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.095 Serial packet dropped source_net/ source_node -> dest_net/ dest_node, filtered circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A Serialization packet was dropped because the output IPX circuit has IPX KeepAlive filtering enabled.



Level: OOM

Short Syntax: IPX.096 No mem fr prxy kpalv req/rsp

Long Syntax: IPX.096 No memory for proxy keepalive request or response

Description: This message is generated when no buffer is available to send an IPX keepalive message.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.097 Proxy kpalv type source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Long Syntax: IPX.097 Sent proxy keepalive type source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket

Description: This message is generated when a proxy keepalive packet is sent.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.098 RIP RTR flt PASS pkt frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.098 RIP Router filter PASS packet from source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A RIP packet has successfully PASSED through the RIP Router filter on the given IPX circuit. The RIP Router filter is based upon the source_node in the IPX packet header, which is displayed by the message.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.099 RIP RTR flt DROP pkt frm source_net/ source_node, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.099 RIP Router filter DROP packet from source_net/ source_node, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A RIP packet has been DROPPED by the RIP Router filter on the given IPX circuit. The RIP Router filter is based upon the source_node in the IPX packet header, which is displayed by the message.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.100 RIP iodir flt PASS IPX net ipx_network , cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.100 RIP iodir filter PASS IPX network number ipx_network, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A RIP routing information entry for the given IPX network number has successfully PASSED through the RIP filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.101 RIP iodir flt DROP net ipx_network , cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.101 RIP iodir filter DROP network ipx_network, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A RIP routing information entry for the given IPX network number has been DROPPED by the RIP filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.102 SAP iodir flt PASS typ service_type nm [ service_name], service_hops hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.102 SAP iodir filter PASS type service_type name [ service_name], hops service_hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP routing information entry for the given IPX network number has successfully PASSED through the SAP filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.103 SAP iodir flt DROP typ service_type nm [ service_name], service_hops hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.103 SAP iodir filter DROP type service_type name [ service_name], hops service_hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: A SAP routing information entry for the given IPX network number has been DROPPED by the SAP filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.104 IPX iodir flt PASS typ packet_type source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket, service_hops hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.104 IPX iodir filter PASS type packet_type, source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket, service_hops hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPX packet has PASSED through the IPX filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.105 IPX iodir flt DROP typ packet_type source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket, service_hops hops, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.105 IPX iodir filter DROP type packet_type, source_net/ source_node. source_socket -> dest_net/ dest_node. dest_socket, service_hops hops, circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: An IPX packet has been DROPPED by the IPX filter on the given IPX circuit in the stated filtering direction, which is either inbound or outbound.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.106 rcvd ping packet_type pkt source_net/ source_node -> destination_net/ destination_node

Long Syntax: IPX.106 received IPXPING packet_type packet from source_net/ source_node to destination_net/ destination_node

Description: This message is generated when an IPXPING packet is received.



Short Syntax: IPX.107 IPXWAN iw_pkttype pkt rcvd on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID has common net zero

Long Syntax: IPX.107 IPXWAN iw_pkttype packet received on circ IPX_circuit net network ID has a common network number of zero

Description: An IPXWAN packet was received indicating that the common network number assigned by the link master is zero. However, the network number must be nonzero since numbered RIP is the negotiated routing type to be used on this link. This can happen when the link master prefers unnumbered RIP and even though it will accept numbered RIP, it does not know how to assign a common network number.

Action: Reconfigure the local IPX node id to be greater than the remote IPX node id to guarantee that this router is the link master and assigns the common network number.



Short Syntax: IPX.108 IPXWAN circ IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, invalid IPX network number

Long Syntax: IPX.108 IPXWAN circuit IPX_circuit attempting to be configured on interface IPX_interface_number, invalid IPX network number

Description: IPX was not enabled on the specified IPX circut because the IPX network number had an invalid value

Cause: An invalid IPX network number was configured.

Action: Configure a valid IPX network number on the IPX circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.109 IPXWAN stat rte for cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, but stat rte glob disabled

Long Syntax: IPX.109 IPXWAN static routing enabled on circ IPX_circuit net network ID, but static routes and services are globally disabled

Description: Static routes and static services are globally disabled, however the IPXWAN routing type is set to static on the specified IPX circuit.

Cause: Configuration error

Action: Either globally enable static routes and static services or configure IPXWAN to use a routing type other than static.



Short Syntax: IPX.110 stat rte invalid on cir IPX_circuit nt network ID

Long Syntax: IPX.110 Static route cannot be configured on circ IPX_circuit net network ID

Description: Static route cannot be configured on this type of interface.

Cause: Configuration error

Action: Do not configure static routes on this type of interface.



Short Syntax: IPX.111 no memory left for ipx_structure

Long Syntax: IPX.111 no memory left for ipx_structure

Description: There was not enough memory available to allocate the indicated IPX structure. The IPX component requiring this structure will not be enabled.


Level: C_INFO

Short Syntax: IPX.112 use IPX reset cmd to activate or reset ipx_component

Long Syntax: IPX.112 use IPX reset cmd to activate or reset ipx_component

Description: The indicated IPX component must be reset using the IPX reset command in order to activate configuration changes.

Cause: The indicated IPX component was configured on an IPX circuit which was either activated or reset.

Action: Use the IPX reset command to activate or reset any configuration changes made to the indicated IPX component.



Short Syntax: IPX.113 IPX cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, ifc > nnets

Long Syntax: IPX.113 IPX circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, interface is greater than the maximun number of interfaces

Description: The interface that the circuit is suppose to be configure on is invalid. It is greater than the maximum interface number.

Cause: I have no idea how this could happen

Action: Reconfigure the circuit with a valid interface number



Short Syntax: IPX.114 IPX cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, ifc type not supported

Long Syntax: IPX.114 IPX circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, interface type is not supported

Description: The interface that the circuit is suppose to be configured on is of a type that does not support IPX.

Cause: After configuring a circuit on an interface, the type of interface was changed to one that does not support IPX

Action: Reconfigure the the circuit onto an interface that does support IPX or reconfigure the interface type to one that supports IPX.



Short Syntax: IPX.115 IPX cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, too many bcast circs on ifc

Long Syntax: IPX.115 IPX circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, too many broadcast circs on interface.

Description: There can only be one broadcast circuit configured per interface. Thereis already one configured on this interface

Cause: I have no idea how this could happen

Action: Reconfigure the circuit onto another interface or delete the original broadcast circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.116 IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, too many IPX cirs on PPP ifc

Long Syntax: IPX.116 IPXWAN circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, too many IPX circs on PPP interface

Description: On a PPP interface, there can be either a broadcast or an IPXWAN circuit. In this case, there is already an IPXWAN circuit defined.

Cause: I have no idea how this could happen

Action: Reconfigure the IPXWAN circuit on another interface or delete the original IPXWAN circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.117 IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, not allowed on RLAN ifc

Long Syntax: IPX.117 IPXWAN circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, IPXWAN not allowed on RLAN interface

Description: An IPXWAN circuit has been configured on an RLAN interface. IPXWAN is not supported on RLAN interfaces.

Cause: I have no idea how this could happen

Action: Reconfigure the circuit on a non-RLAN interface or make it a broadcast circuit.



Short Syntax: IPX.118 non-PPP IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit configd on PPP ifc IPX_interface_number

Long Syntax: IPX.118 non-PPP IPXAWN circ IPX_circuit configured on a PPP interface IPX_interface_number

Description: An IPXWAN circuit whose circuit type was configured as PPP has been configured on a non-PPP type interface

Cause: After configuring a PPP type IPXWAN circuit, the data type of the underlying interface has been changed to a non-PPP value

Action: Redefine the interface to be a PPP interface or redefine the IPXWAN circuit type to match the interface.



Short Syntax: IPX.119 non-FR IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit configd on FR ifc IPX_interface_number

Long Syntax: IPX.119 non-FR IPXAWN circ IPX_circuit configured on a FR interface IPX_interface_number

Description: An IPXWAN circuit whose circuit type was configured as FR has been configured on a non-FR type interface

Cause: After configuring a FR type IPXWAN circuit, the data type of the underlying interface has been changed to a non-FR value

Action: Redefine the interface to be a FR interface or redefine the IPXWAN circuit type to match the interface.



Short Syntax: IPX.120 IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit configd on ifc IPX_interface_number, invalid circuit type

Long Syntax: IPX.120 IPXWAN circ IPX_circuit configured on interface IPX_interface_number, invalid circuit type

Description: An IPXWAN circuit has been configured with an invalid circuit type value

Cause: I have no idea how this could happen

Action: Reconfigure the circuit with a valid circuit type



Short Syntax: IPX.121 IPXWAN cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, n_cirreg failed rc: reason_code

Long Syntax: IPX.121 IPXWAN circ IPX_circuit net network ID, n_cirreg failed reason code: reason_code

Description: An IPXWAN circuit was attempting to register on a FR circuit and the registration failed for the reason indicated

Cause: No memory

Action: Take dump of router and contact customer service.

Cause: Unknown circuit

Action: Reconfigure IPXWAN circuit with a known FR circuit number


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: IPX.122 NB brd pkt drop, cir IPX_circuit nt network ID, NB brd not enabled

Long Syntax: IPX.122 NETBIOS broadcast packet dropped, circ IPX_circuit net network ID, NETBIOS broadcast not enabled

Description: NETBIOS broadcast has been disabled on this circuit, so all NETBIOS broadcast packets (incoming or outgoing) will be dropped.

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